This tool was created by Andrzej Gajda and Sep Keuchenius in 2023.

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Why motions?

Party programs often contain claims that are far-fetched and will be hard to realize. Partly because these parties are never going to rule, and partly because they need to compromise. One way to find out what actions a party has taken is to look at the motions they filed and voted for. These motions contain a request to the ruling government, asking them to act in one way or another. Therefore, we make the claim that to make the right decision you need to look at the actions that a party has taken during the last governing phase. That means looking at the motions they filed, voted for, voted against, and comparing those to what they promised, and what they are promising for the upcoming elections. Apart from visualizing the difference between promises and their later realization, we wanted to be able to search for topics that we were interested in, not what people are "commonly" interested in. Stemwijzer, a famous tool to help you find the party that most fits your needs, pics 30 questions on topics they deem interesting, disregarding what you yourself might find more interesting. Our tool allows you to search for what you find interesting. After all, it's a representative democracy, so the people we elect should represent our beliefs and ideologies.


All the data comes from the publicly available party programmes of 2021 and 2023, and the motions available via the OData API of the Tweede Kamer der staten generaal.


The votings of some people in the past have been classified as the parties that they are now part of, such as:
P. Omtzigt: NSC.
W. Van Haga: BVNL.
And others.

The votings and programmes of GL and PVDA have been joint together, because they now form one party.

The reson for such actions is that we assume the history of current parties is one, which means that in case two parties joined togewther or some party changed its name, the actions in the past apply to it nevertheless and in the current elections "this name represents this history". One of the goals of this project is to give the tools and opportunity to measure "promises vs actions".

Not all parties that can be voted for are on this website, such as "Piratenpartij" and "Partij van de Sport", simply due to a lack of time and an estimation as to how likely it is that they will end up in the chamber.

Your query data

Whatever you type into the search-bar will be anonymousely stored in our database in Google Cloud, to make the history bar represent your queries so you can easily find earlier results back. We don't use cookies.


The summaries have been generated using Google's LLM model "Bison". The summaries serve to help you understand the content quicker, but may contain errors, as every summary that was generated automatically.